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Inbound Marketing vs Account Based Marketing (ABM)

Written by James Cook | Oct 14, 2022 4:50:46 PM

Have you ever thought about combining inbound marketing and ABM as one, instead of working out whether to do one or the other?

To answer the question… Inbound vs ABM? It’s both and together. Inbound and ABM go together like peas and carrots.  Both are based on delighting the customer and driving value first.

Account Based Marketing (ABM) and Inbound Marketing are two powerful strategies that can help increase lead generation efforts, drive more qualified sales leads (SQLs), and increase revenue.

Let’s take a look at what each strategy has to offer. 

So, what is ABM?

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a focused growth strategy in which Marketing and Sales collaborate to create personalised buying experiences for a mutually-identified set of high-value accounts.

It involves the strategic targeting of specific accounts with tailored messaging, content and offers that align with their unique challenges, needs, and interests.

ABM combines traditional outbound tactics such as direct mail campaigns, webinars, events, referrals, etc., with digital tactics such as personalised emails and landing pages to deliver highly targeted messages to an account’s decision makers. 

What is inbound?

Inbound marketing is a methodology that helps businesses attract strangers and turn them into customers by providing them with valuable content—such as blog posts, videos, ebooks—that helps them solve problems or make decisions.

This content can then be promoted via SEO or social media channels to draw more website visitors who are potential customers.

Once these visitors become leads, inbound marketers use tools such as email campaigns or automated workflows to nurture leads until they’re ready to make a purchase—thus generating more qualified sales leads (SQLs).

Why do they go hand in hand?

When integrated together into an overall growth strategy for your B2B business, ABM & Inbound will allow you to reach prospects more effectively through targeted messaging that resonates with their needs you can:

  • Generate higher quality leads through personalised offers
  • Create better customer relationships through customised experiences;
  • Maximize ROI by focusing on high value accounts;
  • Stay ahead of the competition by leveraging both strategies together. 

Inbound focuses on giving the customer what they want and need at each step of the buyer’s journey – it is buyer-centric.

ABM focuses on using deep account knowledge to personalise the buyer’s journey at scale, focusing on an entire account or buying committee.

Inbound marketing helps you attract target accounts and then ABM accelerates the sales cycle so you can win and delight those accounts with a remarkable customer experience.

When you put these two practices together, you deliver a delightful experience for prospects when they are interacting with your brand.

The combination of Account Based Marketing (ABM) and Inbound Marketing provides businesses with an effective way to grow their B2B business through increased lead generation efforts and the acquisition of more qualified sales leads (SQLs).

By using both strategies together—customised outreach combined with personalised offers—you can target high-value accounts while still delivering valuable content that resonates with your prospects’ needs.

With ABM & Inbound working together synergistically in tandem, you can capitalise on the benefits from each strategy while also improving relationships between marketing & sales teams.

So if you are looking for ways to increase your lead generation efforts or boost the number of SQLs for your B2B business, look no further than combining ABM & Inbound!

Learn how to execute ABM with HubSpot in our new guide: “How to Execute ABM with HubSpot